Berries and Immunity: What is the Evidence?

May 1, 2020

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With the rise in SARS-CoV-2 infections (COVID-19) now is a time when immunity matters more than ever before.  There are many myths when it comes to which foods may help to reinforce the immune system but for berries there is some interesting, peer-reviewed research…

With the rise in SARS-CoV-2 infections (COVID-19) now is a time when immunity matters more than ever before.  There are many myths when it comes to which foods may help to reinforce the immune system but for berries there is some interesting, peer-reviewed research…


An article published in Nutrition Reviews[1] considered the evidence looking at berries and their phytochemical profiles on the digestive and immune system.  These systems were considered together as a large part of the immune system resides in ‘the gut’.


The authors concluded that whole berries were more likely to demonstrate effects on the immune system rather than separate compounds found in berries.  The research showed that berry phytochemicals may work in synergy and be more effective at providing immune stimulation rather than separate exposures to single berry components.


From an evolutionary point of view, the human digestive system evolved on a diet abundant in raw fruits.1  As a result it is likely to contain the enzymes, microbiota composition, gut epithelium and other functions that coincide with the consumption of these fruits thus passing on the benefits to the immune system.1


Dr Emma Derbyshire, Public Health Nutritionist and adviser to British Berry Growers commented; -“Improving our health – be it through exercise or what we eat is more important than ever at the moment.  Factors such as stress, illness and the natural ageing process can all influence and reduce our immunity.” 


“Certain lifestyle modifications, however, could help to counteract some of these effects.  This includes exercise, good quality sleep and having a healthy and balanced diet.[2]  Including berries within our diets could be naturally pleasant way to improve nutrient and phytochemical density during these challenging times.”




[1] Govers C et al. (2018) Review of the health effects of berries and their phytochemicals on the digestive and immune systems. Nutr Rev 76(1):29-46.
