Strawberry and Raspberry Cotton Tail Cupcakes

What fun! Bunny rabbits burrowing into your cupcakes! These cotton-tail bunnies are delicious whole strawberries coated in chocolate and coconut, digging down to eat the raspberry and vanilla sponge below.


Makes 12. Prep time 40 minutes. Cook time 15-20 minutes.


125g margarine or butter, softened

125g caster sugar

2 eggs

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

125g self-raising flour plus 1 tbsp

75g raspberries


For the decoration:

12 strawberries, hulled

50g white chocolate, melted

50g desiccated coconut

Green fondant icing

White fondant icing

Pink fondant icing



  1. To make the cakes, preheat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas mark 4. Line a 12-hole bun tin with cake papers.
  2. You can make the cakes in a mixer or by hand. Cream together the margarine or butter with the sugar, beating until lighter in colour and fluffy in texture. Beat together the eggs and vanilla and gradually add them to the creamed mixture, beating well between additions. If the mixture looks curdled add a spoonful of flour.
  3. Once all the egg is incorporated carefully fold in the weighed flour. Toss the raspberries in the tbsp of flour then gently fold into the cake mixture. Spoon the mix into the paper cases and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden and springy when touched. Remove from the oven and leave until cool.
  4. To decorate: dip the strawberries in the melted chocolate, then the coconut and put aside to set. Push the green fondant through a sieve and use it to top the cakes making it look like grass. Shape small pieces of white fondant into rounds for the tails and flatten rounds for the paws. Add 3 tiny pink rounds to each paw for the pads.
  5. Place the coconut strawberry in the middle of the cake and add the tail and paws.




You can colour white fondant with food colouring if you don’t want to buy different colours. The undecorated cakes keep for up to 3 days in an airtight container in the fridge. Once the cakes are decorated eat them the same day.